Family Constellation Therapy in London & Online
Healing Generational and Systemic Trauma
Addressing and healing trauma | Reclaim the freedom to live a happy and fulled life.
What issues can systemic family constellations help with?
A constellation gives you the opportunity to step toward your own healing, and like all opportunities, it usually starts from a problem. Common issues constellations can help with include:
Relational issues (parents/children/siblings/husband/wife)
Health issues - illness, fertility issues, miscarriages, still birth
Coping with anxiety, stress or depression
Difficulty in reaching professional or personal goals
Looking for direction, greater purse and a sense of meaning
Grief and loss
Anger & aggressive behaviour
Dealing with death and dying
In my work as a systemic family constellations facilitator, I’m particularly interested in exploring themes of health, chronic illness, family relational dynamics, depression, grief, shock, loss, PTSD, conception and fertility related issues. Systemic family constellations can open up the healing pathways to allow the individuals to experience profound shifts, release burdens and make peace with themselves and lives.
How does family constellations work?
Family constellations work form the premises that our lives is influenced by more than our personal experiences. Unresolved issues, and events from the past including generational trauma, emotions illness - even if unknown - can all have a significant impact on our lives causing unnecessary hardship in our health, relationships, finances and overall wellbeing.
Family constellations aim to uncover the hidden dynamics and entanglements that is the root cause of the issue. By bringing the dynamic and entanglement to light with constellations, we begin to deepen our level of understanding and thus crating space for transformation and healing to take place.
Check out ‘Another Self’ A Netflix Series about Systemic Family Constellations
From time to time there is a netflix show that is worth watching. For me ‘Another Self’ is definitely a show that is watching, not only because it is about family constellations but also because it is about friendship, the hardships that life throws at us, love, hope and transformation.
**Systemic & Family Constellations is a technique that has the potential of being highly transformative. It can be adapted to your needs; however, it is not a substitute for psychotherapy, psychiatric support or medical treatment.